Thinking Forward: Slice of Life 3/10

At some point along the way, I decided to gather the work I’ve been doing for the past 3 years into one space; this became a necessity after presenting at various conferences but it also would serve to document my journey. I find it challenging to stay on top of our ever-changing learning space, however, as I lamented in yesterday’s post. I’m sure I’ll utilize the summer months to forage, curate, delete and expand; I’ve already started a doc of the work I’d like to do while I’m up in Traverse City this summer. (My dream dwelling.)

After this year, I have two years before I can retire. I haven’t made a final decision as to whether I’ll do it…retire; I’ve been teaching for 30 years, I still love it AND I still have much to accomplish before the sun goes down on this chapter of my life. It may sound cliche but I believe my purpose for landing on this Earth was to be part of a story that redefines what we mean by learning. In his essay “Beautiful Learning“, Will Richardson shares his thoughts about learning and how we might look at it differently. I base much of what we do in our classroom on that post because I believe learning can and should be beautiful.

So, it looks as though this summer might just be the perfect time to take stock of my body of work and figure out if two more years will do it…or if I need to return until I’ve said all I have to say.

7 Replies to “Thinking Forward: Slice of Life 3/10”

  1. Thank you for sharing your pondering. I could take early retirement, but I am not ready. I hope to be able to teach for at least five more years. I better figure out what I still need to say!

  2. I admire your mission statement and worthy life goal. I found retirement didn’t stop me from contributing to “beautiful learning.” I’m sure it won’t with you. What I regret is not doing what you are: collecting & curating my PD work and my thinking and writing into one place.
    Go for it! Take stock.
    I was drawn to your post by the claim to see the future, but in a way we can see possibilities, can’t we?

  3. Sounds like maybe you will just change your focus. Young teachers need to see your spirit and expertise. Good luck with your journey.

  4. Love that we wrote on the same topic, today! Your summer plans sound idyllic- I hope that they prove perfect for thinking about retirement and what lies ahead. Enjoy!

  5. You’re a true educator – probably not ready to retire if you have more in you. I wish you the best summer to figure it out! In the meantime, thank you for spreading the JOY of learning.

  6. I’m not quite that close. I might have been had a stayed at home and not moved, but I’m not finished listening yet. I am not finished learning. I am more tired and I do think twice before buying another book. It still feels like a calling and more beautiful than a ray of sunshine.

  7. This is beautiful: “my purpose for landing on this Earth was to be part of a story that redefines what we mean by learning.” Thanks for sharing with this. It sounds like you have lots left to do!!!

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